Sunday, August 29, 2010











一旦接获破產令,在没有获得法庭批准的情况,破產者的財產都不能隨意“更动”,而他的財產將由破產总监(Director General of Insolvency)接收及管理。


























































破產並非等同於“世界末日” ,也不等同於宣判“死刑”,破產局不会夺走破產者的所有东西,破產者倒是还享有“重新开始”新生活的机会。



30 Healthy Cholesterol Tips

1. Find more ways to walk. Can you walk to the store for milk? Park farther away? Take the stairs? If you can move more, DO! Physical activity is vital to heart health.

2. Eat six or more small meals a day. A large study of British adults found that people who ate six or more times a day had lower cholesterol than those who ate twice a day, even though the "grazers" got more calories and fat!

3. Fix all your sandwiches on whole grain bread. Eating more complex carbs, like whole grain bread and brown rice, can increase HDL levels slightly and significantly lower triglycerides, another type of blood fat that contributes to heart disease.

4. Say cheese! Women who ate a serving a day (about the size of four dice) had higher HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL (bad) than those who ate less, according to a study at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

5. No laughing matter. A recent study showed that diabetes patients who watched funny sitcoms for 30 minutes, along with their standard meds, reduced their heart risk substantially: They had about a 26 percent increase in HDL ("good" cholesterol), compared with a bump of just 3 percent among patients in the control group.

6. Brew it better. If you're worried about cholesterol, stick to paper-filtered and instant coffees. Unfiltered coffees, which are typically made with a French press, contain more of a cholesterol-raising substance called cafestol.

7. Make the move to nonfat milk. If you drink whole milk, switch to 2 percent. If you already drink 2 percent, move to 1 percent. If you drink 1 percent, you're ready for nonfat.

8. Start with soup. Studies show that folks who begin their meals with soup end up eating fewer calories by the end of the day without feeling hungrier. Give it a try with a broth-based soup.

9. Bag some barley. Thanks to its impressive stash of soluble fiber, which slows the digestion of food and the rise of blood sugar, barley is much friendlier to blood sugar than rice for most people. And it lowers cholesterol to boot.

10. Start three days this week with oatmeal, a proven cholesterol-reducer. Use the old-fashioned or quick-cooking kind, not instant.

11. Sip a cup of black tea every four hours. Government scientists found that three weeks of drinking five cups a day of black tea reduced cholesterol levels in people with mildly high levels.

12. Berry good news. Adults who ate about a cup of berries a day lowered their blood pressure and raised their HDL (good) cholesterol after eight weeks, according to a new study from Finland.

13. Pay attention to fiber. Studies find that eating 10 to 30 grams of soluble fiber a day -- much more than the average American eats -- reduces LDL about 10 percent. Aim to up your intake slowly though, otherwise you may experience some bloating and flatulence.

14. The use of medication doesn't have to be permanent. If you improve your diet and increase your activity level, you may reduce your cholesterol enough to get off the medication and stay off it!

15. Add half a tablespoon of cinnamon to your coffee before starting the pot. A Pakistani study found that 6 grams cinnamon a day (about 1/2 tablespoon) reduced LDL cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes by nearly 30 percent.

16. Try turmeric. Small studies have found that curcumin, a component of turmeric, cuts cholesterol. Heat a little oil in a sauté pan, and toss in a tablespoon of turmeric, a dash of salt, and a generous pinch of black pepper (pepper can increase your uptake of curcumin by up to 2,000 percent). Stir for a minute, then add veggies and lean protein for a healthy, sunny dish.

17. Pop edamame as a snack. Just half a cup contains nearly 4 grams fiber, not to mention the soy isoflavones in these soybeans. Consumption of both has been linked to lower cholesterol.

18. Fall in love with olive oil. A study found that people who consumed about 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil daily for just one week had lower LDL and higher levels of antioxidants in their blood.

19. Put your pizza on a diet. Order a veggie pie with extra vegetables. Or, if you must have meat on your pizza, make it chicken or ham, not pepperoni. Or try clams, shrimp, or anchovies!

20. Practice deep breathing four times a week for two to four minutes. Use this technique when you're faced with a stressful situation to mitigate your body's reactions.

21. Take as prescribed. If you need cholesterol medication, statins are generally prescribed first, but your doctor may also suggest bile acid sequestrants, fibrates or prescription niacin, all of which will help.

22. Make healthy eating easy. If time's an issue, buy "semiprepared" foods. Some examples: boneless, skinless chicken breast; broccoli and cauliflower florets; and bagged salad.

23. Bag the butter. Dip breads in olive oil instead, or try a sterol-based spread. In the kitchen, try replacing butter with olive or canola oil.

24. Make meals picture-perfect. On days when you don't have salad, add a piece of fruit to your lunch. Or better yet, have fruit at lunch and salad with dinner.

25. Get creative with vegetables. Throw frozen veggies (no need to defrost!) into soups.

26. Step to it. Try to get at least 2,000 steps a day just through everyday activities, like vacuuming and gardening. Make it easy and check out a sports store for a pedometer.

27. Bored with your walks? Invite a friend to break up the tedium or try a new route -- both can make for a more enjoyable experience, and time will go much faster.

28. Lower stress levels with an enjoyable hobby. Can't think of one? Jot down your favorite childhood pastimes, then find one you can transfer to your adult life. For instance, if you loved to draw, find a drawing class nearby and sign yourself up!

29. Sprinkle wheat germ or flaxseed (both rich in omega-3 fatty acids) over salads, yogurt, and cereal.

30. Set the alarm on your computer to go off once an hour. This is your signal to get up and take a short, five-minute walk.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mind Over Money

The question is: Why? Why don’t we make saving a priority? We certainly know that saving money – like eating broccoli and strengthening our core muscles – is good for us. In the latter cases, we listen. Yoga and Pilates have never been hotter. And broccoli now comes as a baby vegetable, precut and bagged, and even in purple. Yet saving for tomorrow is still a largely ignored and unappreciated skill. There are three reasons for this.

One: Saving today is harder. “If you’re having to spend a disproportionate amount of income on food and gas, it’s hard to save,” says Anthony Pratkanis, a psychology professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who specialises in financial issues.

Over in our part of the world, food and fuel prices have increased substantially, eroding much of the income growth we’ve enjoyed in the past few years. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, food prices soared nearly 40 percent since last year. Meanwhile, crude oil prices have surged more than five-fold since 2002.

What’s worse, the prospect of still spiralling inflation amidst a current slowing global economy will make it more difficult for already strapped households to save.

Two: Credit became too accessible. For years it was simply too easy to get your hands on money to spend. Banks are eager to extend credit to you if you meet their requirements.

A financial cards study by Euromonitor International reported there were 580 million credit cards in circulation in Asia Pacific last year, a 54 percent increase since 2002. Correspondingly, credit cards transactions has increased 62 percent in the same five-year period.

Another study by the Bank for International Settlements, the bank for central banks, noted that many Asian countries such as Singapore and Malaysia, racked up a 200 to 500 percent increase in credit card usage volume, including the use of cards both to make purchases and to withdraw cash, between 1998 and 2005.

With such easy credit available, why save when you could get that big flat-screen TV today and pay for it with a simple swipe of plastic?

Three – and most intriguing: Saving is, was, and always will be no fun. “Saving money,” explains Jason Zweig, author of Your Money and Your Brain, “doesn't feel good.” Think about it this way: Choosing to save almost always means opting for delayed instead of immediate gratification. “You can buy a pair of shoes today,” says Zweig, “or have a nice retirement 20 years from now.” You’re going to buy the shoes because the pleasure of getting something good today is much greater than the pleasure of getting something good years in the future – even if the reward in the future is bigger.

IF IT’S NOT SHOES THAT make you go mushy inside, it may be technology, or rare books. But that’s not only an intensity you feel, it’s an intensity neuroeconomists can see. In recent years, this relatively new breed of experts in economics and neuroscience have started using MRIs to view the brain as it is making money choices.

When something we want to buy comes into view, they see the pleasure centre firing up as we get a feel-good dopamine rush. Similarly, getting a few dollars today is thrilling – more thrilling, in fact, than getting a slightly larger profit tomorrow. And if you have to wait a few weeks or months for that gain, it will have to be much bigger in order to arouse the same interest in your brain. Things way off in the future – like retirement – don’t jostle the pleasure centre much at all.

“HUMANS, LIKE MOST ANIMALS, have a strong preference for immediate reward over delayed reward. If you offer me $10 today or $11 tomorrow, I’ll probably say I’d rather have the $10 today,” says Zweig. Even bigger numbers don’t seem to make a difference. Financial experts routinely use what-if scenarios to try to encourage people to save more and at a younger age. You’ve probably heard that if at age 20, you put $100 a month into an account earning 8 percent interest, you’d have $527,454 at retirement. If you waited until you were 30 to begin, you’d have only $229,388. Yes, the examples are striking, but by Zweig’s logic, they probably aren’t very effective.

“A reward you get in the distant future has no emotional kick to it. It’s just an abstraction,” he says. “Even if you tell people you’ll have a million dollars 30 years from now, the brain doesn’t get it.”

Which, of course, is perfectly rational. “If tomorrow’s reward is based on promises – which retirement is – the people making the promises might be lying, they might not be around 20 years from now, your goals might change, many things could happen,” says Zweig. “So you have this automatic preference for an immediate reward. And that probably comes from our [hunter-gatherer] ancestors.” Back in those days, food was scarce. Given the choice of eating now or maybe eating more later, the cave folk who chose the latter very likely starved to death.

So the question becomes: Knowing what we know about our money and our brains, what mind games can you play to psych yourself into saving?

Visualise your goals. Let’s say you're 31 and you want to retire in 25 years. The key is to make the goal as concrete as you can, says Zweig. Pick your birthday circa 2033 as the day for your retirement goal. Then ask yourself, What do I want to do when I retire? Do I want a villa in Bali, a yacht to sail the seas in, or a paid-off mortgage? It’s different for everyone. But you’ve made retirement tangible: You have the date. You have the goal. Then you give it a name. It becomes “The Villa in Bali Fund.” You put a little Balinese music on your desktop, or cartoons of the beach – whatever reminds you of your goal. Put your account statements in a manila folder and decorate it with coconut trees.

Sound corny? Sure, but what you’re doing, Zweig says, is building an emotional environment that you can save in. All these things work together to motivate you, and then when you see the pair of shoes, it will be easier for you to say to yourself, This is a choice between shoes and Bali. Suddenly, you can leave the shoes in the store.

Rally your team. Use your friends and family as a way to discipline yourself. Tell them what your goal is, and ask them to remind you if you’re about to spend money on something you won’t need. (Tell them you won’t get cranky and will appreciate the help.) You can even do this on the internet. Dean Karlan and Ian Ayres of Yale just launched a website called, which lets you post your goal, notify your friends, and set up penalties if you fail. It worked for both founders, who lost a significant amount of weight by pledging a significant amount of money if they didn’t drop pounds. But you could also use it to build an emergency stash, increase your contribution to your retirement savings, or amass an education fund for your kids.

Break it down. Stephen Brobeck, executive director of the Consumer Federation of America, says that one reason many middle-income families don’t save is that they don’t believe they can come up with big enough sums of money to do it effectively. The fact is, he says, small amounts can be quite effective. Start with your change. “It sounds trivial, but we have story after story of people who accumulated hundreds of dollars that way, realised they could do it, and worked harder to get more,” he says. Then add an automatic transfer from checking to savings account every month.

Finally, recognise that the saving process is actually healing. It makes you feel better – a better person, a better spouse, a better parent – to know that you have something put away for your future. Says Brobeck, “You may have to make sacrifices in the short term, but you’ll feel so much better in the medium to long.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to Be Your Own Doctor

1. Have a PERF-ect day

Essentially, there are four things you should monitor every day to make sure you are living healthily: the amount of fruit and vegetables you ate that day (fresh Produce); whether you walked and were active (Exercise); whether you got at least 15 minutes of laughter and fun time for yourself (Relaxation); and whether you got enough beans, grains and other high-fibre foods (Fibre). If you can say you did well on all four, your day has been extremely healthy. (Needless to say, this doesn’t apply if you spent the rest of the day say, drinking, smoking and eating chocolate.)

2. Get naked every two to three months

Then, with your partner (or a really close friend), conduct a head-to-toe skin check, looking for any new moles, changed moles, suspicious spots or rashes. Be sure to check your scalp, between your toes and fingers, and also the underside of your arms. If you find anything worrying, see your doctor.

Do the ABCD test when checking moles, looking out for these possible danger signs:

Asymmetry: the two halves don’t match.
Border irregularity: the edges are jagged.
Colour: uneven. Different shades of black, brown or pink can be seen.
Diameter: more than 6mm.

3. Monitor your sleepiness

There are three good ways to tell if you’re not getting enough sleep. First, do you require an alarm clock to wake you up most mornings? Second, do you become drowsy in the afternoon to the point that it affects what you’re doing? Third, do you doze off shortly after eating dinner? If the answer to any of these is yes, you need more sleep. And if you’re getting enough sleep (about eight hours) and still have these troubles, talk to your doctor about your low energy.

4. Measure your height every year after you turn 50

This is especially important for women as a way of assessing posture and skeletal health. A decrease in stature can be as informative as a change in a bone density test for monitoring your overall bone health. If you’re concerned, speak to your doctor.

5. Keep a mental colour chart of how dark your urine is

It may sound weird, but it’s a useful health indicator. Your urine should be a clear, straw colour; if it’s dark or smells strong, you may not be getting enough fluids. If it stays dark-coloured even after you increase your liquid intake, make an appointment to see your doctor. If it’s bright yellow, it may be the B vitamins in your multivitamin tablets (if you take them).

6. Check your heartbeat after you exercise

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that women with poor heart rate recovery (HRR) after exercise had twice the risk of having a heart attack within ten years as those who had normal HRR. Next time you exercise, like a strenuous 20-minute walk or a jog, count your heartbeats for 15 seconds immediately afterwards, then multiply the result by four to get your heart rate. Sit down and wait two minutes before checking again. Subtract the second number from the first. If it’s under 55, your HRR is higher than normal and you should consult with your doctor.

7. If you have diabetes, check your feet every day

You will be susceptible to foot damage, so examine your feet carefully for any blisters, fungus, peeling skin, cuts or bruises. Because people with diabetes often have some nerve damage in extremities such as the feet, these daily self-examinations give critical clues as to how well you’re monitoring your blood sugar and if you might have nerve damage.

8. Have a cardiovascular check

If you’re over 40, you can request a full cardiovascular screening assessment (for future heart attack and stroke risk) with your doctor. You can also request one if you’re under 40 with a strong family history of heart attack or stroke. Blood cholesterol levels are just one of several factors that need to be measured and assessed, along with smoking status, blood glucose level, ECG results and blood pressure. Measuring cholesterol alone is not enough, as other risk factors may be missed; normal cholesterol levels do not necessarily mean that your overall cardiovascular risk is normal. Ask for advice at your doctor’s surgery.

9. Check your blood pressure every six months

Check with a home blood pressure monitor, or at a clinic. If the top number is more than 140 (130 if you have diabetes) and the bottom number is higher than 90 (80 for diabetics), wait a day, then check it again. If it’s still high, make an appointment with your doctor.

10. Check your hairbrush

If your hair’s falling out, ask your doctor to check your levels of blood ferritin, an indication of how much iron your body is storing. Some studies suggest low levels may be related to unexplained hair loss. Thyroid disease is another fairly common cause.

From the book, 5 Minute Health Boosters, published by Reader’s Digest (January 2010).

Sunday, August 15, 2010



剧本的主材是从本地微型华小的角度出发, 以轻松诙谐手法触碰教育课题.





小小的戰鬥力 可以翻越幾個丘
小小的一顆心 可以承載多少痛
小小的這雙手 可以握住什麼夢
小小的鞋缺一個口 小心的向前走

我走到海邊 看浪花翩翩
我在我小小的世界 哼著一首歌
抬起頭睜開眼 星星堆滿天
1 2 3 嗯嗯嗯 會不會實現
深呼吸閉上眼 風偷吻我的臉
嗯嗯嗯 4 5 6 某人在心裡面

我走到海邊 看浪花翩翩
我在我小小的世界 哼著一首歌
抬起頭睜開眼 星星堆滿天
1 2 3 嗯嗯嗯 會不會實現
深呼吸閉上眼 風偷吻我的臉
嗯嗯嗯 4 5 6 某人在心裡面

抬起頭睜開眼 星星堆滿天
1 2 3 嗯嗯嗯 會不會實現
深呼吸閉上眼 風偷吻我的臉
嗯嗯嗯 4 5 6 某人在心裡面

Friday, August 13, 2010

De-Tox As A First Step To A Slimmer, Healthier You

What does detox mean? It can be defined as cleansing the body of toxins that have accumulated through addictive habits. Most of us lead very busy lifestyles and end up eating out a lot. Through these eating habits, we are unconsciously fueling our bodies with countless meals of unhealthy foods, high content of oils, fats, sugar, salt etc.

No one can deny the wonders of the human body where the liver and kidneys do much of the detoxing for us naturally. However, it is nice to give those hard working organs a break once in a while, which is why a detox is highly recommended but not a must.

Many women and even some men go on detox programs for beauty and health reasons. Detoxing has been said to give dull and sallow skin a healthier more radiant glow. The effectiveness of a detox is subjective but in theory when your body is fully cleansed your body should technically function better.

For a healthy and effective detox regime, Marie France Bodyline recommends a 5-step program every 3-4 months. Nutritionists at Marie France Bodyline advise that the detox program is done during a period when you are most inactive or on leave from work as you may be weak from the lack of food for the first few days. The program advocates a healthy and balanced diet with a gradual addition of solid foods back into the system after the first 3 days.

Below is the recommended 4-step detox program as recommended by Marie France Bodyline which can be completed as a 3 or 7 day program:

Step 1 For the first 2 days, eat as much fruit as possible. Choose a good variety of fruits that are rich in different vitamins and minerals. For example Blueberries and Apples are high in antioxidants. Drink plenty of fruit juice with the pulp during the day. Avoid juices and fruits high in sugar at night. Coffee and tea should not be consumed during this period, but instead drink plenty of water. Water can be flavoured with a tinge of lime and/or lemon juice. Stay away from all carbs during this period.

Step 2 Take 3 to 4 portions of leafy green vegetables and fruits. Each serving should consist of 50% fruit and 50% vegetables. Vegetables may be lightly cooking with a light dash of olive oil. Fruits should be consumed fresh and raw. Do this for a day or two.

Step 3 At this stage you can begin adding white meats and beans to your diet. Maintain light cooking for both the meats and beans. This can be done for a day.

Step 4 In day 6 and 7 of your detox progam start adding half a bowl of rice to your meal.

Detoxing has had positive effects in helping with weight loss, improving digestion and slowing the aging process but should never be done on a long term basis.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


有 时候,你被人误解,你不想争辩,所以选择沈默。本来就不是所有的人都得了解你,因此你认为不必对全世界喊话。却也有时候,你被最爱的人误解,你难过到不想 争辩,也只有选择沈默。全世界都可以不懂你,但他应该懂,若他竟然不能懂,还有什么话可说?那么,不想说话,就不说吧,在多说无益的时候,也许沈默就是最 好的解释。
在你跌入人生谷底的时候,你身旁所有的人都告诉你:要坚强,而且要快乐。坚强是绝对需 要的,但是快乐?在这种情形下,恐怕是太为难你了。毕竟,谁能在跌得头破血流的时候还觉得高兴?但是至少可以做 到平静。平静地看待这件事,平静地把其他该处理的事处理好。平静,没有快乐,也没有不快乐。
人 生是一条有无限多岔口的长路,永远在不停地做选择。如果只是选择吃炒面或炒饭,影响似乎不大,但选择读什么科系、做什么工作、结婚或不结婚、要不要有孩 子,每一个选择都影响深远,而不同的选择也必定造就完全不一样的人生。生命中不可承受之情,就在于人生没有重来 的机会啊。如果当初如何如何,现在就不会怎样怎样。。。这种充满怅然的喃喃自语,还是别再多说了吧。每一个岔口的选择其实没有真正的好与坏,只要把人生看 成是自己。独一无二的创作,就不会频频回首如果当初做了不一样的选择。
因为思虑过多,所以常会 把自己的人生复杂化了。明明是活在现在,却总是念念不忘着过去,又忧心忡忡着未来;坚持携带着过去、未来与现在同行,你的人 生当然只有一片拖泥带水。而单纯是一种恩宠状态。单纯地以皮肤感受天气的变化,单纯地以鼻腔品尝雨后的青草香,单纯地以眼睛统摄远山近景如一幅画。单纯地 活在当下。而当下其实无所谓是非真假。既然没有是非,就不必思虑;没有真假,就无须念念不忘又忧心忡忡。无是非真 假,不就像在做梦一样了吗?是呀,就单纯地把你的人生当成梦境去执行吧。
今天的你,是不开心 的你,因为有人在言语间刺伤了你。你不喜欢吵架,所以你离开;可是你只是离开了那,却没有离开被那人伤害的情境,因此你愈想愈生气。愈有气,你就愈没有力 气去理会别的事情,许多更该用心去做去想去处理的事件,就在你漫天漫地的心烦意乱之中,被轻忽被漠视被省略了。因为,你只是一心一意地在生气。在情绪上做 文章,这是对自己的浪费,而且是很坏的浪费。毕竟,生气也是要花力气的,而且生气一定伤元气。所以,聪明如你,别让情绪控制了你,当你又要生气之 前,不妨轻声地提醒自己一句:“别浪费了。”
曾经有一段时间,你心情低落,甚至懒得拉 开窗帘,看着窗外的阳光。因此你当然也忘了去看看,窗台上那一盆每天都需要喝水的百合花。如此不知过了多久,总算有一天,你度过了心情的低潮,同时也想起 了你的百合。天啊,可怜的花,它还活着吗?你战战兢兢地拉开窗帘,却见它迎风招摇,花颜可掬。原来在过去的这段日子里,你虽然忘了喂它喝水,老天却没忘了 以雨露眷顾它呢。许多事物悄悄地在你的视线之外进行,而且悄悄地安排好了它们自己。天生万物,天养万 物,一切其实无须担心。。。


Monday, August 9, 2010

原来月经不洗头 不是冷不冷的问题

今年80岁了, 庄淑旗博士的抗癌养生法--女生月经来时为何不能洗头 ?
没有像我们现在有吹风机,洗好马上吹干,应该就没事了… 想不到……

跟你有关的女人都应该让他知道这个正确观念才是! 台湾的女医学博士庄淑旗根据研究医学,先后在日本庆应大学修得药理博士、医学博士,她对日本癌症患者三万人的病发前的生活调查发现,绝大多数的癌症患者均有极端的偏食习惯,并在调查中有惊人的发现,大多数的乳癌及子宫癌患者,凡在月经来潮时,洗头发、提重东西、或产后不注意调养或吃冰冷食物,致子宫收缩不完全,而使体内贺尔蒙分泌不平衡,长久累积而致癌。由于这项发现,庄博士乃潜心研究女性月经期间生理调理的方法,在日本发表改善月经期间饮食法,与改变生活方式疗法,结果使许多日本妇女因乳癌、子宫癌症及得患其它癌症开刀者,因饮食、生活的改善,而使癌症不再发。现在这个疗法已在日本被广为宣传,每年有数万人因而得救,这个方法就是,在月经期不能洗头,她说古老的时侯,妇女们都知道月经期间不能洗头,将之传给她的女儿媳妇,但不知其原因,有许多现代人总以为科学发达,古老的说法无凭据,不信,结果竟得乳癌,庄博士说:以往子宫大量出血的妇女,在妇科未发达以前,她们都不愿找医师看病,而有一个自疗方法,即是将头发用水打湿,则子宫收缩,血立刻止掉。

因为这个原理,她发现,月经来潮时,不 能洗发,不能吃冰冷食物,以免让排出的污血未排净,而残留在子宫之内,日积月累,贺尔蒙分泌失调,而有乳癌、子宫癌的发生,除了不洗发,不吃冰冷食物外,如月经来潮前会有头晕、胀奶、便泌者,这是癌症的前兆,预防方法可依体型用黑糖、莲藕、萝葡、薏仁等,熬汤饮之,则可防止癌细胞的发展,达到最佳的预防方法 。

现在很多女性朋友们,都有一个最爱得的毛病,就是乳腺癌。(千万不要摘。一摘就麻烦了,摘一个,过不了几年另一个必摘),和子宫肌瘤,卵巢囊肿三位一体的妇科病。我本人不是医生,但是知道这病的病理,他们都来至我们的例假。第5 条,非常好。要养成记录生理周期的习惯。

量多了也不行,量少了也不行 。如果有痛经的女性朋友,不要不去管他,长期不管他,以后可能得以上三种的机率很大。经痛到医院去医生说是很正常的,确实这个不叫病。叫症状。特别是要准备在怀孕的妈妈们,一定要调好。为什么有的宝宝生出来,有小孩多动症,隔三岔五的感冒,绝对偏食?就是妈妈的例假出问题了。

在食谱里添加杂粮和蔬菜,一定要多吃五谷杂粮。五谷:大豆,大米,玉米,小麦,谷黍 大家有没有发现电视上的不孕症的广告也越来越多了?其实就是因为我们长期吃的食物中激素,农药,化肥多过,肝脏的排泄力度不够,排不出来以后,很多的脏东西要通过卵巢来走,走不出来就会逐渐在堵塞,输卵管一堵,不孕症就太正常了。夏天大家一定要禁嘴,不要吃冰冷的食物。寒气就到胃里,就像庄博士说的,就形成寒淤,让排出的污血未排净,而残留在子宫之内,日积月累。(子宫肌瘤就是积累的残留)

> > 1. 在干净的床上裸睡
> > 2. 生理期不吃巧克力,因为会加重痛经
> > 3. 养成记录生理周期的习惯
> > 4. 通过运动而非调整型内衣来塑造曲线
> > 5. 不翘二郎腿,以免压迫神经
> > 6. 贴身衣物不干洗
> > 7. 拉风的丁字裤不适宜日常穿着
> > 8. 去年的衣服要进行曝晒后才可以穿
> > 9. 如非必要,不使用卫生护垫
> > 10. 定期检查化妆品的保质期
> > 11. 洗浴后一小时再化妆
> > 12. 即使爱美,也不要在耳朵上部的外缘软骨部位穿耳洞
> > 13. 了解自己的家庭病史,特别是母亲和外婆的病史


8 Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World ^8

Have a glass of wine. A staple of French and Mediterranean tables, wine adds joy to the meal, and because it contains potent antioxidants, is at least partly responsible for why these cultures traditionally have lower rates of cardiovascular disease and mortality despite their higher-fat diets. And while some studies show that we tend to eat more when we drink, a Finnish study actually found that male drinkers were leaner than abstainers.

By Norine Dworkin-McDaniel

8 Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World ^7

Chow down only when you're hungry.
Americans eat for all sorts of reasons besides hunger, especially from boredom, loneliness, stress or fear, a foreign concept in other cultures. "You can't make food the solution to every issue in your life and expect to be thin," says Dr. Katz. "If you eat from boredom, find a hobby. If you eat to relieve stress, learn meditation or yoga."

By Norine Dworkin-McDaniel

8 Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World ^6

Dine with others.
Eating with family or friends vs. alone in your car, at your desk or on the couch is part and parcel of traditional cultures. Not only does camaraderie make the meal more enjoyable, it's slimming. "Eating with others restrains your own behavior," notes Dr. Katz. "You eat more slowly, which increases the likelihood that you'll register when you're full before you've eaten more than you should."

By Norine Dworkin-McDaniel

8 Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World ^5

Enjoy regular meals. One reason French women don't get fat is because French women eat three meals a day. You may think skipping meals cuts calories, but all it does is evoke a primal "fear of hunger response" that causes overeating later, explains Dr. David Katz, MD, author of The Way to Eat. "Throughout most of our history, we had too little to eat. So when you go for long periods without eating, you stir up all that native programming, which says eat like crazy when you can, because all too often you can't." Start with breakfast. Studies show that breakfast-eaters are slimmer than skippers.

By Norine Dworkin-McDaniel

8 Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World ~4

Get moving. People in Asian countries, France and the Mediterranean tend to be slim because they're more active. Not that they spend hours at the gym; they simply walk a lot.

By Norine Dworkin-McDaniel

8 Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World~3

When you're eating, just eat. No other culture multitasks meals the way Americans do with our TV dinners, fast-food drive-throughs and grab-'n-go food that's designed to fit into a car cup holder and be eaten with one hand. In Japan, it's considered rude to eat while walking. And you'll never catch the French gulping coffee in the car. "In France, there are no car cup holders because you don't drink coffee while driving," explains Will Clower, PhD, author of The Fat Fallacy: The French Diet Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss. "Eating and drinking aren't errands. It's not what you do on the way to something else." Good advice. When you're distracted by work, traffic or the TV, you're apt to overeat without even realizing it, notes Dean Ornish, MD, author of Eat More, Weigh Less. "If you really pay attention to what you're eating, you enjoy it more fully and don't need as much food."

By Norine Dworkin-McDaniel

8 Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World ~2

2. Drizzle on the healthy oils. Healthy fats like olive oil, a staple of the Mediterranean diet, and canola oil, a staple of Okinawans, make vegetables tastier, so you're likely to eat more of them. And, as we know, eating a diet rich in produce is key to maintaining a healthy weight.

By Norine Dworkin-McDaniel

8 Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World~1

1. Stop eating before you're full.
The Okinawans, whose average BMI is 21.5 for those who eat a traditional diet, call this hara hachi bu, or eating till you're 80 percent full. Of course, we're not suggesting that you leave the table hungry. But eating until the buttons pop stretches the stomach by about 20 percent each time you do it, so you inevitably need more food to feel satisfied, explains Bradley Willcox, MD, co-author of The Okinawa Diet Plan. He says that putting your fork down "when you feel that first twinge of fullness" gives your brain a chance to realize that you are full before you overdo it.

By Norine Dworkin-McDaniel

Friday, August 6, 2010





















霹雳 头条新闻 2010-08-06 12:22

Thursday, August 5, 2010



1999年嫁给默多克后,邓文迪(右)被媒体喻为飞上枝头变凤凰,但邓文迪能力过人,她持有耶鲁大学MBA学位,近年更开始沾手丈夫的传媒王国,替他打理中国My Space。这对夫妇生有2个女儿,强势的邓文迪还为两个女儿爭取到了继承权。









Wednesday, August 4, 2010








某天,他在工地的地面上拿著对讲机与操控起吊机的人沟通。对讲完毕,他站在原地接听了一通电 话,就在接听这通电话的片刻时间里,起吊机的工作人员已缓缓地把模板下降。站在烈日当空下的他,突然被一团黑影笼罩著,他心知情况不妙,抬头往上看,模板 已到头顶,下一秒钟,就会压在他身上了。






他想过逃进旁边的那大而深的洞口里,但洞口週边却插满钢枝。钢枝排得密密麻麻,向外弯,高度及 腰,“万一跳不过去,钢枝就会插在我身上......”届时,王明勇很可能会马上一命呜呼了。当下,他决定弯著腰身蹲在钢枝旁,希望模板压下来时,还可以 借钢枝的支撑力,顶模板一把。






王明勇相信,这宗意外发生后,给了他一个重生的机会,让他重新走在生命的轨道上,探索自己的生 命意义。他解说:“我很卖命的工作,为了盖出好房子,我可以百分百的付出自己的时间和精力,日以夜继的工作,但是,如果某天我在工作时万一发生意外一命呜 呼的话,我的人生到后来究竟留下了甚么?”


修养期间,他回到家乡老宅养病。在山明秀水的乡村里,他想起自己是在务农环境下成长,当年家里 养鸡、鸭、猪,此外还耕稻种菜,他自小就对农业很有兴趣,“上大学时没有以自己的兴趣来选科,因为当时是父母亲为我做的决定,我相信80%孩子都是这样 的,对自己的兴趣和未来模陵两可,所以才不能学以自用。”他轻嘆。




他有过上千次的饮食营养与健康的分享会,每次,他都开宗明义的问现场听眾的健康资讯从哪里来? 答案往往是“道听涂说”,“来自原生家庭”云云。“我是学土木工程的,我知道一栋房子要怎么盖,地基怎么打,房子才牢固,但是,在这之前,对於如何为自己 打造健康的生活,我却不知道。”社会越文明,人们的精神就越薄弱,逐渐的,连生活的基本需求与准则都丟了。



这场意外让他发现,生命,原来很脆弱,但是,生命,也可以很坚韧的;如果一个人的个性坚强,遇 到挫折,就不容易被挫败,反而会从中有所领悟。后来,他发觉一个人事都能拥有美好的人生和个人的意念有关,在生机饮食领域久了,他接触过不少癌症患者,有 些癌症患者最终还是活了下来,是因为他们对活著的意念够坚定。

工地意外的发生,让王明勇转念了。人的行为和思想有固定的模式,所以,人人看事情的角度不一 样。发生意外,有的人认为是业障,也会有人埋怨自己运气不好,但他並不怨天尤人,他认为这是老天给他的礼物,一个改变自己的际遇,甚至是一生的、珍贵的礼 物。“没有这场意外,今天,我或许还是庸庸碌碌的盖房子。”说罢,他哈哈大笑。

除了进修营养学,他还进修心理学。一路走来,他觉察到自己在性格上有所改变了。年轻时,他个性 很衝动,做事情只讲求效率,而今,他认为自己比较有智慧了。“凡是都有来龙去脉,如果能冷静思考和分析,就可避免很多不好的事情的发生,这样一来,在做重 大的抉择时,就比较能以智慧的头脑来做判断。”他分享道。



王明勇认为,帮助人不是仅限於物质上的协助,他现在做的,是分享健康知识的工作。他形容自己现 在就像是一个“传道士”,在演讲中,他分享自己所知道的健康知识,这样或许能让一些可以多活一段时日,又或能让人预防罹焕癌症。永垂不朽的建筑,和健康之 道,一样是为人们带来健康美好的生活根基。


◆学歷:中原大学建筑土木系毕业、台北医学大学营养保健学分班、台北医学大学食膳保健学分班、澳洲生药学院(Australian School Of Herbal Medicine)结业。







由国立大学医院妇產科属下妇科肿瘤部主任刘仁惠副教授进行的调查报告显示,在未来25年里,新 加坡预计会有6万多起由人类乳头瘤病毒(Human Papillomavirus,简称HPV)引起的新病例。这些疾病,包括子宫颈癌、癌前病变(Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia)和刺疣(genital warts)。





新加坡中央医院妇產专科高级顾问医生郑春贵副教授进行的另一个调查,则特別探討在进行子宫颈抹片检查(PAP Smear)的同时,也进行广大的人类乳头瘤病毒疫苗注射,是否能减少本地女性因子宫颈癌而死亡的个案。


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Healthy Juice

Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system.

Apple + Cucumber + Celery -
Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and headache.

Tomato + Carrot + Apple
- Improve skin complexion and bad breath.

Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk
- Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.

+ Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.

Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.

Pear & Banana - regulates sugar content.

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango
- Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization .

Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk
- Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.

Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.

Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation.

Monday, August 2, 2010






灯光污染 交配前死亡








邱瑞音说,由於雪兰莪河沿河一带拥有大量的海桑树(Sonneratia Caseolaris),其中以瓜拉雪兰莪最多,因此当地拥有大量的萤火虫。






今年的主题为《萤火虫保育:从科学到实践》,由马来西亚森林研究院及马来西亚自然协会e Society联办。









Gran’s Health Tips: Myth or Marvel?

We bet your grandmother didn’t let the absence of a medical degree stop her from issuing health directives. But which ones are worth following?

Gran’s wisdom Swimming after eating can lead to cramps and drowning.

Science says Not exactly, but not completely wrong. After eating, blood gets shunted to the digestive tract and away from exercising muscles. That can lead to a build-up of lactic acid in your muscles, so swimming soon after lunch could cause a sudden (though not fatal) cramp.

Gran’s wisdom Honey speeds healing.

Science says Yes. But only for mild to moderate burns. Perhaps because it creates a moist, antibacterial environment that promotes tissue growth.

Gran’s wisdom Butter helps heal burns.

Science says No. There’s no evidence.

Gran’s wisdom Sleeping in air-conditioning can give you a chill.

Science says She may be on to something. Air-conditioners dry out the protective layer of mucus along nasal passages, which make it easier for a virus to infect you.

Gran’s wisdom An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Science says Gran’s overstating the fruit’s potency. Still, the peel is a very good source of antioxidants.

Gran’s wisdom If you go out with wet hair, you’ll catch a cold.

Science says Maybe. Some research indicates (but doesn’t prove) that a wet head helps cold viruses take hold by tightening blood vessels in the nose and making it harder for white blood cells to reach the viruses and fight them off.

Gran’s wisdom Eating chocolate gives you pimples.

Science says Not quite. Chocolate might trigger an acne flare-up, but if so, the culprit is probably the sugar, milk and gooey fillings, not the cocoa.

Gran’s wisdom Ginger is good for upset stomachs.

Science says Yes. There is good evidence that ginger reduces nausea.

Reader's Digest


好莱坞影 星米高福克斯(Michael J. Fox)今年四月出版第三本书《回到未来,乐趣无穷:人生的转折与教训》(A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future: Twists and Turns and Lessons Learned ),如果问他为什么写这本书,他必定会如你预期有番妙答。 这位今年四十九岁的演员、作家与医学研究倡导者于一九九一年罹患帕金森氏症,他表示到了这个年纪,总算可以「板起脸孔,讲讲人生的大道理」。 接?他补充道:「这本新书跟专业无关,全都是我个人的经验。我可不想当什么专家,那太累人。」

米高福克斯在电影《回到未来》(Back to the Future)三部曲中饰演主角马帝(Marty McFly)。 最后一集推出是二十年前的事了,如今他几乎已放弃了演艺生涯。 他知道在许多影迷心中,他永远是一九八?年代电视影集《天才家庭》(Family Ties)中那个思想保守的青少年艾历克斯(Alex P. Keaton)。 然而今昔对比,并不会让他怅惘,他的快乐秘诀很简单:挥别过去(没错,连八?年代也不留恋),把握现在。

《读者文摘》:你在新书中开玩笑说,很幸运能娶到一个比自己聪明又比自己好看的太太,也就是女演员崔西宝兰(Tracy Pollan)。 你是否认为婚姻幸福的关键在于选择正确,与适合自己的人结合?

米高:很明显,这是基本条件。 不过我和崔西能够维持美满婚姻的关键,在于给彼此空间;而且要体认一件事,真正让夫妻长长久久的不是两人有多么相似,而是彼此有多么不同。


米:没错。 钻牛角尖是跟自己过不去。 常听人说:「如果他们了解我就好了!」问题是别人本来就无法了解你,因为他们不是你。 你必须接受事实,知道一个人就算喜欢你,也未必能了解你的每一个动机、情绪、需求和渴望。


米:只有四个? 我有时候觉得家里好像有五个孩子。


米:孩子需要你时,一定要即时回应。 如果你总是说:「等我五分钟,等我十分钟……」那一定会变成十五分钟、二十分钟,越拖越久。 等你终于来到孩子身边,他们想跟你分享美好经验的热情早就冷却了。 给孩子时间绝对是值得的,我每次都得到很大的回报。

读:你的上一本书《永远向前》(Always Looking Up)的主题是乐观,其实像你这么乐观的人并不多见。 如果碰上心态非常负面、悲观的人,你有什么应对之道?

读:你的上一本书《永远向前》(Always Looking Up)的主题是乐观,其实像你这么乐观的人并不多见。 如果碰上心态非常负面、悲观的人,你有什么应对之道?

米:我觉得世界上最可怕的人,就是毫无幽默感的人。 你不妨这么测试:说几个笑话,如果对方没有半点反应,那就可怕到让人惊声尖叫的地步了。 不过话说回来,我们对悲观的人应该要有耐心,因为他们一定过得很不如意。

读:你去年在FX电视网丹尼斯. 里瑞(Denis Leary)的影集《火线救援》(Rescue Me)中客串过,之后还有哪些演出计画?

米:没有。 我已经一阵子没演出了。 《火线救援》里我饰演一个愤世嫉俗的角色,和人们平常对我的观感很不一样。 未来如果还有类似角色,我也会考虑。 但是目前来说,演戏的事还是交给崔西吧。

读:你曾经说过,知道罹患帕金森氏症之后,一度借酒浇愁,想让自己醉到「什么都不在乎的地步」。 你也描述开始戒酒的第一年,感觉就像「关在衣橱里和人决斗」。 现在你还有酗酒的问题吗?

米:我一直谨守几个原则让自己保持清醒。 其实戒酒并不是那么困难,现在如果你要我喝啤酒,我宁可喝最烂的咖啡。 此外,在对付帕金森氏症时我学到了几招,可以用来面对生命中的其他难题。 我在新书中提到:如果你真想知道什么叫失去控制,帕金森氏症是最好的教材,因为你很快就学会,哪些事可以自己控制,哪些事只能听天由命,唯一的解决之道就是接纳自己。 我每一天都在奉行两个原则:接纳与感恩。

Reader's Digest

Beware the Hidden Cost of Overtime

Working overtime may increase your productivity and boost your paycheque, but it can also trigger illnesses and injuries.

A study of more than 10,000 workers by the University of Massachusetts Medical School found that people who routinely put in overtime had a 61 per cent greater risk of suffering an occupational injury or illness than people who don't work extra hours. Back pain and other musculoskeletal injuries were the main overtime hazard.

"When the physical demand of the work exceeds the physical abilities of the worker, or if the work involves awkward postures for a long time, that could increase the risk of back injuries," says Patrick Ker, head of the Singapore General Hospital's Occupational Therapy Department.

Ker offers these tips to prevent back injury:

  • !!Lift properly.!!

Keep your back straight, bend from your knees and hold objects close to your body.

  • !!Modify your work space.!!

Store heavy items at waist height so that you can handle them with a better posture while standing.

  • !!Be conscious of your posture.!!

If you stand for long periods, rest one foot on a stool occasionally. If you sit, adjust your chair to the right height and rest on the back support.

  • !!Exercise regularly.!!

Simple stretches, or standing while talking on the phone, help reduce the risk of back pain or injury.

By Mars W. Mosqueda, Jr