國內外科學家在研究開發抗癌蔬菜方面不斷取得新突破、新成果。 通過對40多種蔬菜抗癌成分的分析與實驗性抑癌的實驗結果,從高到低排列出20種對癌有顯著抑制效應的蔬菜,供大家參考。其順序是:
1 熟甘薯 Sweet potato (cooked) 98.70%
2 生甘薯 Sweet potato (raw) 94.40%
3 蘆筍 Asparagus 93.70%
4 花椰菜 Broccoli 92.80%
5 捲心菜 Cabbage 91.40%
6 菜花 Cauliflower 90.80%
7 歐芹 Parsley 83.70%
8 茄子皮 Eggplant 74.00%
9 甜椒 Pepper 55.50%
10 胡蘿蔔 Carrot 46.50%
11 金花菜 Golden cauliflower 37.60%
12 苤藍 Kohlrabi 34.70%
13 薺菜 Capsella 32.40%
14 芥菜 Mustard 32.40%
15 雪裏紅 Xue Lihong 29.80%
16 番茄 Tomato 23.80%
17 大蔥 Onion 16.30%
18 大蒜 Garlic 15.90%
19 黃瓜 Cucumber 14.30%
20 大白菜 Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage) 7.40%
科學的實驗分析證明,在蔬菜王國裏,熟、生甘薯的抗癌性,高居於蔬菜抗癌之首,超過了人參的抗癌功效。 在人們常吃的蔬菜中,番茄所含的茄紅素,是一種抗氧化劑,能夠抑制某些致癌的氧游離基。 菠菜、芹菜等深綠色的蔬菜,含有豐富的抗氧化劑,且綠色越深,抗癌效果越強。 蔥、大蒜等刺激性蔬菜,含有大量抑制癌生長的化學物質。
Reference from
Friday, December 2, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Oprah, Dr. Perricone, and Green Tea
A recent Oprah Winfrey show featuring Dr Perricone mentioned the benefits of green tea, and led to a lot of positive publicity about Green Tea. Here is a transcript of the show:
Oprah: Now I've read in your book that you said if I just replaced coffee with green tea instead, that I could lose 10 pounds in six weeks.
Dr. Perricone: Absolutely.
Oprah: Now really. How could that -- what is the big deal about this?
Dr Perricone: Coffee has organic acids that raise your blood sugar, raise insulin. Insulin puts a lock on body fat. When you switch over to green tea, you get your caffeine, you're all set, but you will drop your insulin levels and body fat will fall very rapidly. So 10 pounds in six weeks, I will guarantee it.
Oprah: I'm gonna do that. OK. That is so good! Whoo! That is great.
-- The Oprah Winfrey Show: "Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Days" -- Nov 10, 2004
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