Sunday, December 19, 2010
Story of Appreciation - A Lesson to learn
He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made
the last decision.
The director discovered from the CV that the youth's academic
achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never had a year when he did not score.
The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" the
youth answered "none".
The director asked, " Was it your father who paid for your school fees?" The youth answered, "My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my school fees.
The director asked, " Where did your mother work?" The youth answered, "My mother worked as a clothes cleaner. The director requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect.
The director asked, " Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes
before?" The youth answered, "Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me.
The director said, "I have a request. When you go back today, go and
clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.*
The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went back, he happily requested his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid.
The youth cleaned his mother's hands slowly. His tear fell as he did that. It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water.
This was the first time the youth realized that it was this pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to enable him to pay the school fee. The bruises in the mother's hands were the price that the mother had to pay for his graduation, academic excellence and his future.
After finishing the cleaning of his mother hands, the youth quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother.
That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.
Next morning, the youth went to the director's office.
The Director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, asked: " Can you tell me
what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"
The youth answered, " I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished
cleaning all the remaining clothes'
The Director asked, " please tell me your feelings."
The youth said, Number 1, I know now what is appreciation. Without my mother, there would not be the successful me today. Number 2, by working together and helping my mother, only I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done. Number 3, I have come to appreciate the importance and value of family relationship.
The director said, " This is what I am looking for, to be my manager.
I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of
others to get things done, and a person who would not put money as his only goal in life. You are hired.
Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates. Every employee worked diligently and as a team. The company's performance improved tremendously.
A child, who has been protected and habitually given whatever he wanted, would develop "entitlement mentality" and would always put himself first. He would be ignorant of his parent's efforts. When he starts work, he assumes that every person must listen to him, and when he becomes a manager, he would never know the sufferings of his employees and would always blame others. For this kind of people, who may be good academically, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement. He will grumble and be full of hatred and fight for more. If we are this kind of protective parents, are we really showing love or are we destroying the kid instead?*
You can let your kid live in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experience it. After a meal, let them wash their plates and bowls together with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love them in a right way. You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parents are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the mother of that young person. The most important thing is your kid learns how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learns the ability to work with others to get things done.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
5岁觉得游泳难,放弃游泳, 到18岁遇到一个你喜欢的人约你去游泳,你只好说“我不会耶”。18岁觉得英文难,放弃英文,28岁出现一个很棒但要会英文的工作,你只好说“我不会 耶”。人生前期越嫌麻烦,越懒得学,后来就越可能错过让你动心的人和事,错过新风景。 ——《康永,给残酷社会的善意短信》
遇到比你有钱的人,请不要自动地卑躬屈膝,除非……他有要把他的钱给你……而通常有钱人,并不会把钱送给随便就对他卑躬屈膝的人,所以,何必呢? ——《康永,给残酷社会的善意短信》
在 某些地方,很实际很简单的愿望,在别的地方,却是遥不可及的梦想,你看一群人怎么描述梦想的內容,就知道他们在过什么样的生活,我一度不喜欢过度的标榜梦 想在人生中有多重要,后来经历了,也明白了,很多简单的愿望,就是这么遥远,远得像梦,我就同意,而且鼓吹,那些值得的梦想.~~《康永,給殘酷社會的善 意短信》
是 的,是很多人为钱做坏事. 但你要厌恶的是这种行为,而不是厌恶钱. 厌恶钱,不见得一定是高贵的. 钱就像武侠小说里的武功,可以倚之為惡,也可以拿来做很多美好的事. 如果拒绝賺钱,那就像拒绝练武,不是不可以,但可能要想好: 一旦遇到武功强的坏人來欺负你, 你的对策是什么? 【康永,给残酷社会的善意短信】
有些宗教,為了鼓勵我們做好人,把好人死掉以後的去處,描述得好幸福喔 …… 幸福得,簡直讓人等不及的想一出生就趕快過去報到啊 ………
别 急着觉得自己失败,很可能,你只是还没找到你会成功的那块领土而已。古斯巴达社会,讨厌算术,认为学算术就是想赚钱,很可耻。如果你很会算术,在那里一定 觉得自己很失败。换成现在,算术好绝对被当优点了。世界很大,成功的定义有很多种,在找到你的战场之前,别轻易说自己是失败者
上 段恋情,全心投入,结果重伤.于是这次恋爱怕受伤,就很保留。这意味着:上次那个伤你的烂人,得到最完整的你,而这次这个发展中的情人,得到个很冷淡的 你。我知你是保护自己,但这若是做生意,你这店一定倒的。永不再來的恶客,得到最好服务,而新客上门,却备受冷落,这店怎么不倒?【康永,给未知恋人的爱 情短信】
你那时发给我的短信, 我一直留着没有删除. 因为我还是需要一点证据, 证明即使是你, 也有过那么爱我的时候 。。。。。。。。。。【 康永 ~ 给未知恋人的爱情短信 】
很 多杰出的人,很早就停止上学了,(自己选择,或,想上但没得上),但这些人可沒停止学习,他們立刻改去更广大的社会学校,向更厉害的人学习了,你若有这 種胆识,也儘可如此。但请不要误以为这些人,是因为早早停止上学,而变杰出的,这就好像以为拿破仑是因为个子矮才杰出一样……《康永,给残酷社会的善意短 信》
突然发现爱已消失时,往往无比错愕,不懂发生了什么。这时虽也可百般逼问,但逼问恐是徒增难堪而已。我对此刻的建议 是:坐下深呼吸,闭目回想当初这爱降临 时,其实也是何等的不明白没道理。怎么来就会怎么去,这样悠然回首后,也许能醒悟爱的本质毕竟如此,然后放开了……《康永,给未知恋人的爱情短信》
「享 有」比「拥有」贵重。我们「享有」空气,但无法「拥有」空气,我们「享有」阳光,但无法「拥有」太阳。同样的,我们享用友情亲情,但没办法,也不该想 「拥有」那个友人亲人,我们也享用爱情,但没办法,也不该想「拥有」那个爱人。就享有吧,「享有」比「拥有」贵重多了。《康永,给未知恋人的爱情短信》
一 朵云里面的两滴雨,恋爱了。旁边别的雨滴很冷淡,反正很快要掉落,何必呢。但这两滴雨,还是要恋爱。不久这天到来,云变成雨,一滴滴纷纷掉落。而恋爱着 的这两滴雨,拥抱在一起,往下掉,他们准备好要掉在地面,消失不见,但就在消失前,他们从两滴变成了一滴。《康永,没人在乎的小报导》
你要拥有他?真好,只是,你能拥有他的什么呢?你能拥有他的疾病吗?你能拥有他的疤痕吗?你能拥有他的回忆吗?...... 好像都不能耶,那,你能拥有他的什么呢? 《康永,给未知恋人的爱情短信》
当 你跟他的想法很不同,但你又很想说服他时,你最好不要强调这是“你的”想法,你可以在措词上转个弯,让他感觉,你是“被他启发”,才产生这个想法的。这 麽做最省力,因为所有人,都不会反对自己的想法。这类有点贱的招式,最适合以下犯上时使用。《康永,给残酷社会的善意短信》
你很重要,因为你就是你能拥有的全部。你存在,整个世界才存在。你看得到阳光,整个世界才看得到阳光。你失去平衡,世界就失去平衡。你消失,世界就消失。所以你很重要,你就是你能拥有的全部。《康永, 给残酷社会的善意短信 》
每 做一事,最好只追求一个最在乎的目标,其余都可让步,这样达成目标的机会才高。比方:做这事,最在乎是学经验,那就别计较钱;做那事,最要紧是钱,那就 别计较面子。以此类推。若做一事,又想学经验,又要赚得多,又要有面子... ...如此美事,有得等啊。《康永,给残酷社会的善意短信》
看 到別人做不好時,也許會暗爽在心,得到一種“我比他聰明”的優越感。但真正聰明的人,是觀察別人為什麼做不好,然後警剔自己,儘量不要犯相同的錯。那些 只愛發出噓聲的人,應該是打算一直在台下當觀眾,而那些警剔自己的人,則是在準備:有一天要站上舞台。《康永,給殘酷社會的善意短信》
如 果父母爱自己的小孩,只是为了小孩能繁殖,能延续自己的血脉,这样的爱,好蛮荒,也充满交易的感觉.我可以理解有些父母就是这样想的.我可以理解,只是 同時我也会不寒而慄,这种蛮荒又交易的爱.....你如果不繁殖,妈妈就不爱你了.....(评论【同志娱乐】新专辑主打女生当自强意识的S.H.E,前 晚与陶晶莹对谈,尺度无禁忌。三人问陶子若发现孩子是同志怎么办?陶子说:“我觉得荳荳跟小龙很有潜力往这条路走,我女儿超Man,小龙的动作偶尔会有娇 羞感。但其实没必要担心,把心打开,快乐最重要,若他们真是同性恋,我可能会问性生活美满吗?” )
你永远都有更好的事 可做: 不喜欢正在读的这篇微博?立刻跳开,去读別的。不喜欢正在看的这集节目?转台,去看别的。不喜欢新交的这个朋友?闪人,去认识别人。不要浪費生命,去忍受 这些不必忍受的事。忍受完,又浪費生命去抱怨或咒骂,這太划不来了。你一定有更好的事可做的。《康永,給殘酷社會的善意短信》
遇 到别人恶言相向时,怎么办?如果对方是还要相处的同学同事,那我建议你可以回问“你为什么这么气啊?”或“什么事把你气成这样啊?”,这句话應能稍為喚 醒对方用理性谈事情,也有助你和对方都冷静些。遇到疯拳,先用轻功闪开,争取一點探问的时间,胜过直接还手,引起不必要的混战……《康永,给残酷社会的善 意短信》
气质可以假装,通常可以假装一晚上都不穿帮;而幽默感没办法假装,一分钟都假装不了。所以我珍视幽默感,远超过气质。《 康永, 给残酷社会的善意短信 》
为 什么要鼓吹第一名呢?为什么要把第一名解释成光荣和意義呢?世界很大,可做的事很多,为什么要鼓吹只有極少人能得到,得到了也不代表会幸福的东西?那些 第一名,总有一天要面对不再是第一名的日子。他们人生目标被教成第一名是一切吗,接下去要如何自处?請别再盲目鼓吹第一名了。《康永,给残酷社会的善意短 信》
有 的大人鄙视逸乐,歌诵工作,但请闭目想像:漫步草原的逸乐的马,和负重拖车的工作的马,哪种生活更让人向往呢?先别急着用人生意义来压人,哲学家们费尽 心机,也无法证明,是工作较有意义?还是逸乐较有意义?如果闭目扣问内心,实在没道理一味斥责逸乐,推崇工作啊。《康永,给无聊大人的诚实短信》
别 急着觉得自己失败,很可能,你只是还没找到你会成功的那块领土而已。古斯巴达社会,讨厌算术,认为学算术就是想赚钱,很可耻。如果你很会算术,在那里一 定觉得自己很失败。换成现在,算术好绝对被当优点了。世界很大,成功的定义有很多种,在找到你的战场之前,别轻易说自己是失败者。
森 林不残酷吗?有災病猎杀,但动物仍美好着。宇宙不残酷吗?荒寂无回應,但星辰仍美好着。社会也残酷,有生死離別,会井乾路绝,但人仍美好着。所以我仍能 贮存残酷中的善意,如贮存蛛网上的露珠,地層下的琥珀,我知道陌生人未必慈悲,但若能遇到,我就珍惜贮存,因为还有来日。《康永,给残酷社会的善意短信》
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Malacca's monorail service comes to a stop
MALACCA: Barely two months after its grand launch to mark Malacca’s developed state status, the city’s RM15.9mil monorail line has ground to a halt owing to a host of problems.
Launched on Oct 20, the monorail has been idle for a month after developing problems with its wheels and software system.
The China-made monorail line, spanning 1.6km from Taman Rempah in Pengkalan Rama to Kampung Bunga Raya Pantai along the Malacca River, is part of the state’s aim to tap the potential of the river as a tourist attraction.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam had launched the system to mark the recognition of Malacca as a developed state, 10 years ahead of the national Vision 2020.
Hours after the launch, however, a coach with some 20 passengers stalled about 100m from the Hang Jebat station.
Operator Menara Taming Sari Sdn Bhd used a skylift to rescue the stranded passengers.
The project is a joint venture between the Malacca Historic City Council and state subsidiary Kumpulan Melaka Bhd and Agibs Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd.
The Tourism Ministry has approved an additional RM13.2mil for the monorail phase two extension project under the 10th Malaysia Plan.
On Thursday, a visibly upset Mohd Ali said four engineers from China were trying to iron out the problems affecting the monorail.
“Some screws keep breaking and the rims of the wheels had to be replaced.
“We hope the engineers will be able to fix it within a week,” he told reporters after closing a refresher course for National Service trainers at Permata Resort Camp in Alor Gajah.
He said if the monorail continued to face problems, the state government would not buy additional monorails from China for the proposed extension project and would, instead, source them from Europe.
Menara Taming Sari chief executive officer Nazry Ahmad admitted the monorail had been out of service due to “several technical and mechanical problems”.
“We have been facing problems with the monorail on and off since it was launched. It is now closed to the public,” he said yesterday.